Thursday, February 4

Stir, stir and stir

The title tells it all. Yes! Two weeks ago I made caramel kaya. It is my first attempt though. I had this sudden crave for homemade kaya after seeing shireen’s mom & dad doing it over and over again for their lovely daughter. I tell you, making the kaya is one hassle & tough job. It tested my patience level to maximum. Anyways, the double boil method worked well and after an hour of constant stirring, homemade caramel kaya done! Once the kaya has cooled, I stored them in two separate containers. One for me and another bottle for Richard. Everyone in the family loves the taste. I even had my cousin sister telling me that it taste way better than those on shelves.

Here’s the recipe I obtain from the internet:
Fresh coconut milk from 2 coconuts
400g of sugar
10 fresh eggs
3 pandan leaves, knotted

1. Use an electric beater to beat the eggs at medium speed.
2. At once add in sugar slowly and beat mixture at full speed.
3. Add in coconut milk slowly and continue beating.
4. Pour the mixture into a steel pot and cook it over at a very low flame. Make sure the mixture is being constantly stirred to prevent any burns on the kaya as burns will spoil the taste of the kaya. The kaya mixture will change its colour from creamy white to brown, as caramels are formed from the heating of sugar. It is essential for one to stir the mixture continuously as the mixture will soon thicken. Once all the kaya has turned into a brownish colour mixture, cut the flame and leave aside to cool.

There is another method which will prevent the mixture from burning is to double-boil. Pour water into a bigger pot and set it to boil. Meanwhile the kaya will be inside a smaller pot immersed in the boiling water. This prevents the kaya from direct contact with the flame, which eliminates kaya burns. Put some oil in the water to prevent boiling water from splashing into the kaya. Note that constant stirring is still necessary.

For caramel kaya, scoop up about 2 tablespoons of sugar from the 1/2 bowl of sugar and cook it till the sugar becomes brown (caramel). Then pour the caramel into the pot of kaya when it’s almost ready. (last paragrapgh courtesy of health freak mommy)

Give it a try. It’s real good!
(totally forgot to take a picture)


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